Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Feeling a Bit Better

Yep. Thankfully, I don't feel as depressed today.

Still thinking about that artist's journal. I think I will start it today once I get this apartment somewhat in order. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Feeling depressed.

Thinking about doing an art journal and listing it on eBay. Maybe I'll call it; "Diary of the Next Big Thing to Hit The Art World - Or So I Wish"

Maybe I will work on it in my blog. I sure haven't been visiting it much lately, so why not?

I did make my first big sale besides the pencil portraits I sold when I was younger. $200 for a painting - I actually got three offers on it that day and I only brought it in to display at a banquet. I added a pearl necklace and my initials and the year after this photo was taken.

People compared my painting to Modiglioni - who sadly, I had never heard of. Thank God for Google. I really should stop buying only books on Dali and start reading up on other artists as well. I am primarily self-taught and I still have a great deal to learn. Maybe this fall I will try to take a class again and not psych myself out this time.

School is a giant headgame for me. I only passed one college class out of five - I quit the other four. I don't remember spelling and grammar enough anymore, and English Comp. was the class that I made it through. I guess I should cut myself some slack; it was twenty years ago. But I need more self-esteem. Okay, I will take another adult-ed class. No pressure with those.

Money is the only issue now.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I got some really great feedback on eBay. I sold my Wizard drawing, which I didn't post here and now I can't seem to find the photo I took. Drat, I just checked my trash can and it's not there either. My thinking was to conserve space on my iMac, which is getting old and full of photos, vintage images, and artwork. I haven't backed any up lately because my disc drive is not functioning properly, and I can't seem to get those thumb drives to work either. I did upload some stuff to Photobucket, but not nearly enough. Sorry to anyone who is reading this. If you're inclined to take a peek, my eBay I.D. is designsbydoodles.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010


This ACEO was a photo taken in a small town in Arizona. I altered it using Photoshop, printed it on cardstock, then colored it with Prismacolors. SOLD!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Here are a few things I've done this week: First one is SOLD!

Monday, January 4, 2010


It's been a while since I've posted anything. I am bored. My husband stayed up late and he's still sleeping, so I have to be veeeewwwwy quiewwwet. Tonight I am going to a friend's house to scrapbook and tomorrow I am going to another friend's house to teach her how to make jewelry. She ordered a watch face off of eBay so she has a project in mind. That helps, but I'm sure she would think of something pretty fast anyway! I have to check out my inventory. It has been a couple of months since I have made any jewelry so I should make sure I have all of my tools and things in order.

Hubby just got up anyway, so I can stop being quiet and bored. Bye.